J is for Jealousy

One of the Mums at school gave birth last Friday to a beautiful little girl.  On Wednesday, at the Education Week Open Day, I had a nurse.  I immediately felt teary, and so very jealous.  I remember how hard those early times are when you are trying to establish breastfeeding, sleeping patterns are all over the place, trying to juggle naps and school times, and the sleepless nights.  But, I also remember how precious it is to have this tiny person be so dependent on me.  I have to do everything for them, and I love it.  I love feeding, and napping, and wearing baby, and I love night feeds in our bed.....

So I am jealous......  My SIL is due to birth in September, and I will feel the same then.  I feel shattered that I won't experience it again.....


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