Weekend Wonders
We have some new little members of our family, who we adopted from school this week.....Silkworms... Charlie has been having Mrs Bujtor during the mornings while the Year 2's, 3's and a few 4's and 5's, have been having swimming lessons at Glenbrook Pool, and she has silkworms in her clasroom, and has been giving them away to whoever wants them. Mrs Watson, our next door neighbour, has a big Mulberry tree, so we have a good supply of leaves. Matilda keeps wanting to hold them, but I hate picking tem up because they feel soft and sticky...

After Athletics, on Saturday, Mick decided he would try out his new Swag, that we bought from ALDI for just $149 (it is a double). I paid for half of it and it will be his christmas present from me. I am getting Gossip Girl Season 1 on DVD, which is about the same price. So he set it up, and after the usual cursing and complaining, decided that it wasn't too bad really, for an ALDI swag. The kids loved it and spent ages getting in and out, and in and out, and in and out. Mick also set up the jumping castle, which immediately causes the children to be naughty nad jump in and out turning it on and off and back on so it will inflate whilst they are inside. It looks like fun, but it really can't be good for the motor.

I took some cool pictures of Matilda, as she was the only one who would stand still llong enough. It looks like she is practising for when she is a celebrity.....trying to block the camera, and then doing her cute little poses. I also got a great one of Charlie with a little flying insect right near his face. I could see it buzzing around him, but I didn't realise I got it in the picture until I uploaded them to the computer.

Charlie post haircut
Late in the afternoon, Mick gave the boys a hair cut. I managed to snap a few photos of Harry getting his done.
It sounds as though I didn't do anything all day, but believe me I did.
Today has been a bit of a bludge day, with the kids playing outside, Mick cleaning out his snakes and me reading one of my favourite books, "The Tightwad Gazette".