Weekend Wonders
Well, this weekend we did something really different, we went camping....again. We have been camping about 4 times in 8 years, and two of those trips have been in the last two months.
This time we spent Saturday night down in Wolgan Valley, which is in the Wollemi National Park out the other side of Lithgow. When Harry, Charlie, Matilda and I left home it was raining lightly, after two of the hottest days yet. By the time we got to Wentworth Falls it was bucketing down. We met Mum and Ray at Lidsdale, and followed them down to the camping ground.
We were meeting Ryan, Shona, and the kids and Shona’s parents, brother and his girlfriend. They were camping across the creek and Ryan had to pick us up and take us over. It was still raining a bit and we hadn’t decided whether we would stay or not. Mick was to meet us later. Eventually it started to clear up, so we decided to stay.
We had a great evening, but Harry wasn’t 100%, and he went to bed at about 4pm. Mick arrived just before he fell asleep. The kids all went at about 7pm, and we followed at around 10pm. It was the worst night sleep I have ever had. Five of us do not fit comfortably in that tent, at least not with Mick and I being so.....large. The kids coughed, and kicked and then at 3.30am there was an almighty storm, and Harry decided to start talking to me. We got up at 7am, which was really 6am because of Daylight Savings, and I felt like crap all day. By the time I got home I had a migraine and had to hide in the bedroom for two hours until it settled down enough to unpack everything.
All in all it was pretty fun. We played lots of cricket with the kids and went for a little walk in the bush. It was a shame about the rain.

Lachie playing silly buggers
These next photos were taken Sunday morning after the storm
