Thursday ponderings
We have had a strange week this week. We had another fairly quiet day on Sunday, although we did go to Tunnel Park so the kids could ride their bikes. On Tuesday night Harry and Charlie's school had their Celebration Concert at the Joan Sullivan Centre at Penrith. Mum came down to stay the night, and Grandma also came. Mick took Charlie and Matilda to swimming , as usual, and we all put on our nice clothes and went to Penrith. Harry was singing in the Junior Choir, which is compulsory for years 2,3 and 4. There was also the School Band, Senior Choir, and a multitude of individual items, including a young boy who did some pretty cool break dancing.

I really enjoyed the night, although I wore my hair up for the first time in ages, and ended up with a headache. It eventually went away after I pulled the band out of my hair, and I was yawning my nut off by the time the concert finished. Harry was very well behaved and he sang most of the songs. Well, his mouth was moving to the right words, so I guess he was singing. He looked so cute and so sweet up on the stage. I think they are releasing a DVD of the concert, so I will probably buy that. When he came out at home time, he was so tired his eyes were bulging, and he had croaky voice. I always know when he is really tired because he gets croaky voice.

This morning I am off to the school Billy Cart Derby, and the kids can come home early today. Well, that's it for now.