Katoomba trip
Yesterday, Matilda and I caught the train to Katoomba to meet Kirsten. Kirsten and I have been friends for 33years, so pretty much always. We grew up together, played sport together, went to Girl Guides together, and high school too. After High School, we have been long distance friends. We see each other when we can, but with Kirsten living in Melbourne and me here, it isn't very often anymore. Thank goodness for email....and Facebook!!

So Kirsten is married to Cameron, who is in the Navy, and they now have Kiana (who is 2) and Callan (who is just 5 weeks old). We met at the train station and walked down Katoomba Street until we found a nice little Cafe. We ate and tried to talk over the chatter of two little girls, and it was really great to catch up. Callan was in a gorgeous Joey Sling, and I was so happy to see Kirsten breastfeed him during the meal. We had a great time, but as I had to get the boys from school, we didn't have as long as I would have hoped. Still, while we waited for the train, we had more time to talk, and the girls played well together, pulling funny faces at us.

Matilda talked non-stop the whole way there and the whole way home.

We caught the train home, and had just enough time to drop in at home for a toilet stop, and then go and get the boys.