Gilmore Girls

I love Gilmore Girls. About 6 months ago I saw an episode from Season 3 on the TV, and decided that I quite liked this show. I went off to the Vid Shop and picked up Seaon 1, because I have to start things like this at the beginning.

Six weeks later I realised that Season 7 hadn't been released on DVD yet and had to wait to find out what happened to Lorelai and Rory in the final Season. I waited patiently until it arrived and watched all the episodes in two days. I laughed at Sookie and Michel's antics at The Dragonfly Inn, and Lane's funny first experience at sex, which resulted in a twin pregnancy, and I cried that Luke and Lorelai broke up, and then again when they got back together at the end. I totally enjoy the dialogue, and thoroughly wish that I could have such crazy conversations with my children.

I love the fashion. I love the idea of "Friday Night Dinners" with the family, and I love the idea that Lorelai and Rory can eat so much disgusting junk food and still look so great. I don't know why I didn't get sucked in by it before. It is exactly the type of show that I love.
I love that Lorelai is a totally cool mum, and I like Rory, although she does annoy me on occasion.
Now I have seen glimpses of Gossip Girl and I am hanging out to see that, but I still haven't figured out how to download utorrents from the internet yet, so I have to wait for someone to uploadf the episodes to youtube.
Oh, youtube, how I love thee..........
But tell me, have you been watching The Doctor?? And who am I going to talk to at 3pm on a Monday about that weeks exciting episode??
I'm glad things are going well, and say a big hello to everyone from us ok?