Start with Saturday
Well, today was Athletics again. This week we were following the C program, which meant that Charlie was doing Shotput, Discus, 75 metres and 200 metres. Harry did long jump, shot put, 75 metres and 60 metre hurdles. We were a bit concerned about Harry's jumping abilities, but he went really well, not knocking over any hurdles. Charlie once again did well in the shotput, and improved a lot over his three throws at Discus.

Charlie doing shotput

Both the boys got tropheys from last year which they proudly displayed.

In other news, Matilda is going really well at her toilet training. She is now going on the toilet, instead of the potty, and she didn't even wet the pull-up I put on her this morning for Athletics, but asked me to take her to the toilet. She is still wearing them at night, but she is still taking a drink to bed so she wouldn't make the whole night anyway.

On Thursday, I spent the whole afternoon cooking meals for a week or two. Four meals of Curried Sausages, three Lamb slow cook meals, and one Butter Chicken. I also have heaps of lamb left from the 1/2 a side I bought at High Country Meats two weeks ago.
I have been working out our bills and expenses until the end of November, and I will have paid off half of the CC bill and have $800 in surplus for bills and christmas. That is provided we waste no money and have no luxuries for the next 9 weeks. I am not sure if we can do it, but we have to try, because we need to be in a better situation before christmas and the next electricity bill arrives to knock us off again.
That is it for now, will update again very soon.