Charlie turns 6

Because his birthday falls in the Christmas holidays, it is really hard to have a good party because everyone in on holidays, so we decided to wait until school goes back, and then have some friends over for a small party. Today we had a family get together, with Nanny, Poppy, Granddad and Marie, as well as Grandma and the rest of us.

Charlie chose a Sea Creatures cake this year. I think it turned out OK, but it isn't as intricate as some of the others I have done. I still liked it, and everyone said it tasted great, so that is all that counts, right!!
Late in the afternoon, we went to the park to try out Charlie's new bike, and his flying VAMP, which was a great hit for everyone at the park, and others nearby who came to check it out.

The day he came home from hospital, having his first bath...
Looking so adorable and laughing it up...
This was two years ago.
Isn't he gorgeous...