January 2009

Happy New Year everyone. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a festive New Year.

We spent Christmas morning at home, and then travelled up to Mum's, new house, for Christmas dinner with Mum, Ray, Ryan, Shona, Paige and Lachie. We stayed the night at Ben Bullen, which was interesting, because I slept on a double mattress with Matilda, and she kept slapping me in the face....needless to say, I didn't sleep very well at all.

Christmas was great though. The kids got way too much as usual and I am still trying to find places to put everything. They always get way too much, and they just don't use half of it. I ended up getting some gift vouchers from Target, so I will eventually go and buy myself some clothes (after I have lost weight, of course).

We went to Chris and Marie's on the 27th for a couple of days, and the kids absolutely loved the pool. We also went to the beach a couple of times, and had the best fish and chips from Haven Fish and Chips shop at Terrigal. I got water in my ears the first day, and couldn't get back into the water because I had swimmers ear. My left ear is still a little blocked and sore. It was extremely hot, and so I had trouble sleeping, but the kids were fine, and they had a great time.

New Years Eve was spent at home, as usual, and I actually stayed up until 12am, but just so I could tape the fireworks for the kids. Then I went off to bed as soon as I spoke to Mum.

The last week or so, we have just been at home because it has been so hot. Yesterday and today have been the worst, at 40 degrees, and 38 degrees. It makes the nights pretty horrible too. Will update later.


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