The kidlets are destroying everything...


Why do they have to trash every room in the house. I could handle just one room, but I turn around and they have disappeared and when I find them they have destroyed the rest of the house as well. Oh well, only two more days and DS#1 is off to his "nerd camp", or officially The Science Camp for Gifted and Talented Children. So on Friday I will only have DS#2 and DD to contend with. Then.....after the weekend its BACK TO SCHOOL!!! yeah!

Actually it hasn't been as bad as I expected. They mostly entertain themselves now and I just love watching them outside playing and bargaining with each other. The boys have been picking on DD a bit too much for my liking, but she can handle herself.

I made Karen's origami box out of christmas paper, just to test it out and it came out really well. I will definately be making more of those for Christmas pressies.

Well that's all for now.


Karen Oliver said…
I can sympathise about the trashing of the house. I have come to the conclusion that for my own sanity, I'm not really worrying about it until after the holidays. Hope DS#1 has a great time at his nerd camp. And if you are looking for his school hat, I'm holding it hostage.

And I want to see the oragmai box :-D
Sharon G said…
Isn't that why we had kids to destroy our house and keep us busy......NOT. Its happening here too. I'm with karen, wait till the end of the holidays and then re claim the house.

I am however enjoying the sleep ins.

Yes where is the Box, you must share.

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