We have eggys...
We are also waiting patiently for another new addition to our extended family. My BIL and SIL in Germany are about to give birth to their second daughter, a little sister for Emily. I hope that everything goes to plan for them and little LARA arrives safely. Everytime the phone rings I wonder if it will be Joe letting us know how things went.
C, M and I spent the day picking and making Mulberry Jam. It is my first attempt at jam, so I only made two jars worth until I see how it turns out. Hopefully well, because I might make some for christmas pressies. I also made a delicious Banana Bread that came out of the oven just in time for a visit from my friend Julie and her children M and J. J is only 5 weeks old and I was lending Julie my ring sling. I popped him in and he slept all curled up in the kangaroo position for about 45 minutes. It was so beautiful and apparantly the first time he hasn't squermed all the time. I hope she get good use out of it, because chances are I won't get a chance to again.