My first blog!

So, this is my first blog. It is now October 2007, and this year has gone way too fast. Next year my DS#2 will go to Kindergarten and it will just be my DD and I at home. I guess I will have more time to do the housework that I continually put off.

I have been going over our finances for the last two months or so and with the help of the Simple Savings and Simple Living Forums, I have managed to cut our groceries down from $1200 (yes that's right!!) to averaging about $600 a month. I am trying to cut it down even more. Our electricity really need looking at and that is my next goal for this year. I am hoping that by tweaking our budget, we will no longer be in a tight position as far as money goes, and should that help to convince someone that we can afford another child, then all the better!!


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