R is for Rally

On September 7th, Matilda and I are going to be catching a bus to Canberra, along with women, and men, from all over the country for a rally, outside Parliament House, to Save Homebirth.

Homebirth Rights Rally - Canberra September 7th, 2009


Homebirth Australia is hosting a MAJOR rally in Canberra (outside Parliament House) on Monday September 7 from 11.30am.

There has been much discussion about the potential outlawing of homebirth and the continued lack of equity for women choosing homebirth.

We need this to be BIG. When I met with the federal department of Health they commented on the huge number of submissions (900 of which over half came from homebirth consumers). Sadly I said if you outlaw homebirth I will lead 9000 angry women and babies to Canberra!

Now 9000 may be a tall order but we need thousands.

For all the women and midwives that have contacted and said this issue matters please put it in your diary.

There is lots to organise and we look forward to many providing ideas and support.

The states close to Canberra will be called on to provide as many as possible to attend.

It would be great to have at least a few from every state and territory.

Please forward this meeting far and wide.

Details will soon be on the HBA website.

That is from Homebirth Activist Justine Cairnes.

So Matilda and I are joining the women from the Joyous Birth website, most of whom I will be meeting for the first time, and travelling down, maybe by bus.  We are staying with a lovely JB mum and her family, that I have not even met, but who has offered to let us put our swag on their lounge room floor.  I can't wait.  I am so excited.

Now, I have never had a Homebirth, but I am a huge advocate of a woman's right to decide where she will birth.  The Government wants to take this right away, by making it illegal for an Independent Midwife to attend a Homebirth, from July 2010.  This means that women who would have normally birthed at home, will be forced into the hospitals, which as we know are already understaffed and overextended, or they will have to freebirth at home.  The fact is, if women are allowed to CHOOSE a C-Section, then they should also be able to CHOOSE to birth in their own homes.  It is a simple issue of Human Rights.  I want to do my Midwifery in the next few years, and I want to be able to become an Independent Midwife, if I so CHOOSE.

Rant over, can't wait to get to Canberra and have a say.


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