There is something wrong with me

I am sure that there is something really wrong with me. No, not physically, although I do have a wicked head cold, but I think it is an emotional, maturity problem.
I am fairly responsible when it comes to the kidlets, but I worry that my attitude towards life is a little immature. I am a SAHM, and I love not having to go to work everyday. My days are fairly routine, and I don't get out and do a whole heap of stuff that other people seem to do. I don't know if it is just me, or if I am among the majority. I like my own company. I enjoy not having to run out everyday to one thing or another. I am boring.......I always have been. That is not to say that I don't look forward to going to work eventually, and earning my own money, but I still don't know, at 33, what I want to do with my life, and I often wonder if I could have done more by now, had I not been so lazy.

I don't know, maybe I am just thinking about it too much.....and now I am babbling.....

I just feel like there is more that I could be doing, but do I really want to, or I am just content to sit back and let life pass me by.
Anyway, enough philosophy....

Matilda and I went up to Mum's on Friday, for the day and we ended up having lunch at Maccas with Shona, Ryan and little Lachie. Matilda and Lachie got on well.


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