Big Decision RE: Weight Watchers

So I have made the decision to stop going to WW. I know I always say that I need the accountability of weighing in front of people to keep me motivated, but I think I have actually gotten past that. I couldn't go this week because I really didn't have the money to spend. You see it costs $17.95 to weigh-in and for the meeting, but I never go to the meeting because I know everything they are going to say. That sounds so conceited, but I really do know exactly what I should and should eat, and how I should eat it and when.

Anyway, last night we took the kids to the Hawkesbury Show, and I walked around for hours and hours and there wasn't one food item there that could tempt me enough to break my diet. We got home at 8pm, and after I got the kids to bed I had a homemade pizza for just 7 points, instead of hot chips, dagwood dog or other fatty stuff I could have eaten. Now I don't have to weigh-in in front of anyone, but I still couldn't eat the bad stuff, especially as I am so close to cracking the 80kg mark. This morning I weighed 80.3kgs.

I think I am finally in the right mindset to do this. I love how everytime I put on my clothes I feel like they are looser on me, and I can't wait to get out some of my Winter stuff which is in smaller sizes. I can't wait to get out the other side of winter and be able to wear more flattering clothes in the summer. I really can't wait to get rid of this flab around my tummy...... yeah!!

It is now only 3 weeks and 5 days to my birthday, and I am well on the way to my first goal of 77kgs.


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