Star Wars at the Power House Museum
Last Sunday, we went to the Powerhouse Museum for the Star Wars exhibition. Of course, we left it until the last possible minute, literally, and so it was packed. It could possibly be like that every weekend anyway, but I have never actually been there before, so I don't know.

So we caught the train down to Central, and then walked for about 10 minutes down Harris street to the Museum. It was quite cold and windy, so the kids complained the whole way. We had our lunch outside the Museum, and then we went in. Because we had bought our tickets online, we didn't have to line up and Wait like everyone else.

On our way in we ran into R2D2 and Ben Kanobi. Harry, Charlie and Matilda were absolutely bursting with excitement. The show was great. There was model replicas of the ships, and actual costumes used in the movies. Most of the upstairs part was Parts 4,5 and 6, and the downstairs was Episodes 1,2 and 3. The boys had a go on a real hovercraft, but unfortunately Matilda was too short. Harry and Charlie also made a magnetic hovercraft, and an R2D2 that you could program to move using a computer.

It was a really good day. I often complain about travelling to Sydney, but I love it when finally go.