D is for Dreads

I love dreadlocks. I want dreadlocks, really badly. So much so that I am dreaming about them at night. I keep going into the bathroom and doing my hair so it looks like I have thick dreads, but it is just not the same.
I am a member on a wonderful website, that I wish I had found before Matilda was born, called Joyous Birth. It is website with is basis on Homebirth, and a women's right to birth when, where and how she wants. I will talk about this more soon. My point is that some of the women on this forum have the most beautiful and amazing dreads. Every time I see them I am envious of their beauty. I want them, a lot!!!
Here are a few pics I have found of some wonderful dreads.

See the t-shirt, I have this one...
My biggest reason for not getting them is the fact that I tend to have
an itchy head most of the time, and my understanding is that it will get worse with the dreads, for the first few months. The process of having the dreads done will take several hours (I want the crochet method), and will cost around $585.
But my biggest fear is that the boys will bring home nits from school, and I will get them, as I inevitably always do...... It is hard enough getting them out of my hair as it is......
I am not planning to return to work for at least another 18 months, so I could have them in for that long, before I would need to remove them, and that involves cutting my hair short again. Not shaving it, but pretty short......
I just love them.......