The Royal Easter Show
Last Friday we decided to go to the Easter Show. We were not going to go this year, and just go to the Hawkesbury Show instead, but because of the Rudd Money, we changed our minds.

Matilda freaked out at first, because we went up so high. Soon, though, she was really enjoying herself. As usual, the view from up there was brilliant. I love the Ferris Wheel.

We also enjoyed the Woodchopping, where Mick got to see David Foster is action, in the World Championship Single Handed Sawing. Then, as we rested a while in the main arena, Mick braved the Showbag Hall to get the kids their Wall-E show bags. 

So we caught the train from Emu Plains, straight through to Olympic Park, and when we arrived, we got the kids some ID bands. Great idea, so that if they are lost, they have our mobile number on them. Harry wanted to go straight to the Ferris Wheel, but we decided to get the Animal Walk out of the way first. He complained the whole time, about the smell, and the people, and "I don't want to look at anymore sheep...."

We decided to have some lunch, and then go on the Ferris Wheel. This year they had two. The original open basket one, and the enclosed one that was at the Hawkesbury Show last year. We decided to avoid the Sideshow Alley area, and go on the central Ferris Wheel.

I quick look around the food displays and we were ready to go home, hot, tired and with very sore feet.