Latest Update
So, not a lot has been happening lately. At least not for me.

Mum and Ray have sold their house to a nice young couple, who I knew from school. They are now in the process of moving everything from their old place to their "new" old place. I am so happy for them, because it was really starting to get them down, and then they had a lot of interest, and now they can relax a bit, mentally, not physically.
Marjorie has had visitors staying, from overseas, and she is very frustrated with them. They are not very organised, and they take ages to decide what they are going to do. Marjorie is extremely organised, as far as schedules go. Things have to happen at the right time, or they just don't happen, and she can't cope with the procrastination. They are leaving today to go up to Katoomba, for a few days, and then they are going home. They are leaving a full month and a half before they were supposed to, because I think they have run out of money.
In our news, school holidays are almost upon us, and I am hoping that it won't rain the whole time, because they are actually home for almost three weeks, and they will go crazy if they are stuck inside for that long. Unfortunately, Mum and Ray won't be completely moved, so we can't really go and stay with them because they will be very busy. I will have to buy lots of craft supplies, and maybe have one (expensive) trip to Lollipops.
Also, we tried out our new tent a few weekends ago, and it got Mick's seal of approval, so that is something. We are looking forward to some more camping trips, once we get the tow-bar put on the car.

And, I bought an ironing board, and an iron!! I know, shock horror, Michelle doesn't iron. Now all of a sudden I find it quite therapeutic to iron the clothes, and I never realised how much better the clothes look when they are ironed. I found an ALDI iron in the cupboard, but it was pretty cheap, and very light, so I went to Target, and bought a nice new one. I will take a photo of it, because it is great, but here is a photo of the "old" iron and my new board.

Anyway, that is all for now. I will update next week, after Charlie has his Easter Hop.