Getting Organised
I have spent the last two days getting things in this house organised. I am sick and tired of trying to find things from all over the place. Things are shoved in cupboards and draws and filing boxes. I discovered, whilst reading one of my favourite blogs, a concept called The Household Notebook. So, I decided this was exactly what I needed. All our important information in one place.

So, yesterday I started organising everything into sections, like House Information, Financial Information (budgeting, bills etc.), School Information, Healthcare, Menus and Meal Plans, Photos, and the lists go on and on. I am really starting to enjoy myself.

We have also decided it is time for the boys to start soing a few chores and they are keen to earn some pocket money, so I found this great sheet on which we will use to decide what jobs they will do and how much they will get for each job.

Also, this week I have been collecting all the Jams and Pickles that have been left at the school, because I am in charge of the School Fete Jams and Pickles Stall. We have over 230 jars of Jams, Pickles and Honey (as soon as Mick extracts for me) piled up in our hallway. Last weekend I also made Strawberry Jam, and I am going to attempt Lemon Butter this weekend. We had our second last meeting last night and it is finally starting to come together.

Yummy Jam...................