A change to come
So I have got a few things going on this week. First, last week of the school holidays and let me tell you it has been difficult with 13 days straight of rain. The kids and I are housebound and going mental, let me tell you. I send them outside during a break in the rain, and they come back filthy and then I have to get baths and clean clothes, which I can't get dry...it is a never ending cycle of clean, dirty, clean dirty....but I love the brief reprieve of "MUMMY, I'm hungry!!!".
My brother is home for a brief break in his overseas sabbatical in Scotland, and let me tell you I am jealous as hell that he is over there enjoying the Scottish hospitality. As you know my favourite actor is Gerard Butler, who is a wee Scottish Lad, and being his homeland I would love to go and visit one day, but who am I kidding, I will never leave the kidlets for long enough to truly enjoy it. I am looking forward to catching up with Kyle though, because I haven't seen him for over 8 months, and we have grown apart a little over the past couple of years, and it is time to change that. I love him heaps and I guess I don't tell him everything that is going on with me because I don't want him to worry unnecessarily about my little meltdowns.
My brother is home for a brief break in his overseas sabbatical in Scotland, and let me tell you I am jealous as hell that he is over there enjoying the Scottish hospitality. As you know my favourite actor is Gerard Butler, who is a wee Scottish Lad, and being his homeland I would love to go and visit one day, but who am I kidding, I will never leave the kidlets for long enough to truly enjoy it. I am looking forward to catching up with Kyle though, because I haven't seen him for over 8 months, and we have grown apart a little over the past couple of years, and it is time to change that. I love him heaps and I guess I don't tell him everything that is going on with me because I don't want him to worry unnecessarily about my little meltdowns.
My good friend Kirsten, who I went to school with, is currently expecting her second child, and of course I am jealous as anything because I really want another little baby around, but at the same time I am very happy for her and her daughter Kiana. I wish she didn't live in Melbourne and I could see her more often. I have a few friends from school I wish I still had more to do with, but I am going to explore those relationships over the next year, because I am turning 33 in one week, and I have decided that I am going to do a 365 day thingy.
For 365 days I am going to post a pic of me and talk about something different everyday, just to get some of the crazy things I think about down before I forget them. Believe me I have some strange thoughts and it will be interesting reading.
More soon.