Taking the first big step.

OK, so I am ready now to finally do something about my weight. On Sunday, when the boys hyad control of the camera, they took this unfortunate photo of me at home and I realised exactly how disgusting I really have become. Here is a photo taken of me before I had Matilda:

November 2004

This is not long after having Matilda.

January 2006

This is how I look now. I am the same weight I was at full term with Matilda, and the heaviest I have ever weighed (when not pregnant).

February 2008

So, tonight I am going to join Weight Watchers. I am doing this because I need the acountability of having to get on the scales in front of people and them knowing whether I have gained or lost. I am estimating that I weigh around 90kgs. My ideal weight (for my height and build) is 60kgs. I am showing this picture to remind me why I am changing my lifestyle. I don't want to leave my children without a mother, and I wanted to play hockey again, but I couldn't possibly run around at this weight.

Wish me luck.


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