Finally catching up
Wow, I haven't blogged in so long, but I do have a few valid excuses. I very recently sent my darling little Charlie off to school to join Harry, and I am still trying to get use to it. Here is a picture of the two of them on Charlie's first day.
Harry has been taking good care of Charlie in the playground, but I am happy to say that Charlie has found his own friend from his class and plays away from Harry as well, which is something I was concerned about. Harry has also found a friend in his class who is more like him. I am really happy about that.
Matilda is slowly getting use to being on her own all day, and I am trying to get use to having to play with her. Hopefully we will be getting a second car, so I will be able to go to Playgroup and other activities that I struggle to get to because of distance (and my tendency towards laziness). She have also made the transition to a big bed and let me tell you, that was a very sad day for me. Typically I had absolutely no understanding from the OTHER, who declared with delight that the cot could be sold on ebay. Needless to say it is safely stored at Mum's (just in case). I was really upset about taking it down, as it has been a permanent fixture in our household for almost 7 years, and it really signifies the end of my child bearing years.........maybe!!
We have finally got a new computer with a fab 19" screen. Talk about true love. My current obsessions being Dexter and (hides head in shame) Days of our Lives, I love watching them both on the huge screen. I love youtube for giving me the newest eps of DOOL, seeing as we are about 10 months behind. At the moment I am getting the maximum EJ I can...... yeah!!
Anyway, that is about all at the mo. Here are the pics of Charlie's cake that I couldn't post last time.