Our isolation continues

 A further 4 weeks of lockdown was announced this morning here in NSW, and this strain of the CONVID-19 virus is extremely deadly and scary.  11 people have died in this outbreak and the numbers are continuing to rise every day.

Home schooling continues for Matilda and Amelia, and Harry is suppose to start University again next week, but we assume that will be back to outline again too.  Thankfully none of my kids are doing their HSC this year.  It must be quite a stressful time for those students and their parents.

I am getting my first vaccination next week, and the second dose in September.  This comes at a good time because out store is opening for repairs again, in a very not contact way.  I might be asked to go in in the next few weeks, and I want to be as protected as I can be.  In the meantime, I am continuing to do some training and being involved in all our video training, which I actually really enjoy.  My schedule makes it hard though, because I miss some of the important ones.  I have just been going to them if I feel like I need to.

The numbers of cases is rising every day, and the number of deaths is getting rather scary.  yet there are still some people who seem to think it is all nonsense, and that the Government is some how taking away their rights and freedom.  I know it hasn't been handled the best, but we are all in the same boat and we need to stick together to get through it.

Meanwhile, here is a photo of Jasper keeping me company while the kids are at their Dad's.



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