A fertile side effect of a Sugar Free Lifestyle

Lately, because it is Winter, and I always eat more in Winter, I have been neglecting my diet.  I haven't fallen off the Sugar-free wagon, so to speak, but I have had a few little treats here and there and I can already see how it has effected my full signal.  As a result I have also gained back about 5 lbs, which doesn't seem like much, but I still feel a little sad about it.

On Saturday, 30th June, it will be 18 weeks until my Year 12 "20 Year Reunion".  I cannot believe it has been that long, but there you have it.  Proof that I am getting old.  I still don't feel like I am 37.  I always think of myself as being in my early 30's, but then I remember that my youngest brother is 32 this year, and reality comes crashes back down.

So it is time to pull my socks up, because it is so freaking cold, and get back on track.  No more little treats here and there, and time to start listening to my body again.

Funny side effect of the Sugar-free lifestyle though, regular periods.  I first got my period when I was 14.  A late bloomer compared to my friends.  From the moment they arrived they were long, heavy and extremely irregular.  I started the pill when I was 18 and stayed on it until I developed an eating disorder at 22.  After that I didn't have periods all that much.  Eventually I went to see a GYN and he told me I had a few cysts on my ovaries, and scheduled laproscopic surgery.  He also told me I would likely need Fertility medication to fall pregnant.  What a joke that was.  Despite my ridiculously irregular periods, I had no trouble falling pregnant 5 times, and have 4 healthy children to show for it.  I would go so far as to say I am an extremely fertile person.

So now, as Amelia has past two full years of breastfeeding, I have the most regular periods I have ever had.  I had my first PP bleed at 11 months, then 13 months, and then 15 months.  At this time I began my Sugar-free lifestyle, and since then I have had regular monthly cycles, between 26 to 35 days.  I know exactly when I am ovulating and almost exactly when my period should arrive.  I have never had regular periods like this EVER.  The only thing that has changed is my diet.  Coincidence, I think not.  It is ironic that now that we have completed our family I would, most likely, have no trouble at all planning a pregnancy.

Now I just need Mick to get the snip!!  That is something I never thought I would ever say!!


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