An anxious, but exciting week.
So, it was Harry's 11th Birthday last Thursday the 2nd March. I can't believe how big he is getting. He has had a High School Information night already, and it seems like far too soon for me to be thinking about sending him off to High School.
Next Thursday, the 15 of March, he will sit the Selective High School Exams, and I am sure I am more nervous than he is. I would rather he went to the local High School, but ultimately, if he gets a place at the Selective High School,it will be his choice where he goes.
This week he has been away for his first ever week long camp. Year 6 travelled by XPT to Wellington, and by bus to Lake Burrendong, where they were going to enjoy a week of fun activities. He was so excited and couldn't wait to get going on Monday morning. When Mick pulled out of the drive with him in the car, I got in the shower and cried like a big baby.
The week has been long and hard. It is so incredibly quiet without him here. The others had play dates at friends houses on a couple of days, and it was even more lonely then. He comes home this evening at 8pm, and I cannot wait to see him. I know he will have had a great time and I think that the time away, and having to take responsibility for a lot more, will have done him the world of good, but Mummy needs a good long hug.
To top it off, this morning I ducked up to the shops to get some read for school lunches, and as I was stopped ready to turn into the driveway a beautiful Suzuki Impreza (value $60,000) ran right up the back of me. Thankfully no-one was hurt, except for the Impreza. My gorgeous, tough Jackaroo had barely a scratch on the rear bumper, but his car was un-drivable. The police came and took statements, and it looks like he will get some sort of traffic violation. He did admit to me that he had bent down to pick something up. I had been stopped for some time, as I had to allow at least 4 cars to pass in the opposite direction before I could turn.
Oh well, it was an exciting week, and the best part is Harry will be home in less than 7 hours.