Charlie's accident

We had a pretty rough weekend, this past one.  Charlie had a really bad stack on his bike.  Unfortunately he took the brunt of the fall on his face, and he is looking a little worse for wear.

 After he vomited for the second time on the day (Sunday), we decided it would be best if he went to the hospital to get checked for a concussion.  Mick took him down at 8pm on Sunday evening, and after a series of memory tests, they sent him home again at 2am.

On Monday morning he vomited again, and as he wasn't keeping any fluids down, we decided to take him back to the hospital.  Mick again took him down at 12pm, and at 4.30pm they decided to do a CT scan.  The scan came back clear, but he was admitted to the Pediatrics ward overnight by the Neurologist and the Pediatrics team.  Mick stayed with him, I had to bring the kids home and get everyone settled here.  We went down to see him on Tuesday morning, and the team decided if he keep his lunch down, he could come home after lunch.

He arrived home at about 3.30pm.  He is OK, not eating much, and not drinking much, but he won't talk.  It is unnerving when he doesn't talk.  Today we played Trouble, Chess x 2, Monopoly and Scrabble, and he beat me in all games.  I managed to get a bit of a smile, and a few words during the games, but not much.  Time will heal him I suppose.  The shock has knocked the wind out of him.


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