My big boy is 10. Can you believe it??

Harry is 10. I can't believe it.

So, ten years ago I was in labour. Totally shocked, my water broke all over the bathroom floor and he was on his way. Three weeks early, he has always been impatient and he was in a hurry that day. Water broke at 6am, contractions started at 9am, and out he popped at 12.43pm. My labour experience was great, and on hindsight, probably the least painful of the four. He spent some time in the NICU, but was perfectly healthy.

Over the last 10 years he has amazed and astounded us, pretty much constantly. He is so big now. I love having wonderful, insightful conversations with him about his interests. At the moment he is into ships. Titanic, Olympic, Britannic etc. His interests go well beyond the norm. I have been reading up too, and we have talked at length about the Titanic and it's history.

Happy 10th Birthday Harry. I love you so much.


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