28 weeks

I am now at 28 weeks. Into the Third Trimester, and really feeling it. I have had a pinched Sciatic Nerve for the last few weeks, but when I get up and walk around it usually goes away quickly. For the past two days it has remained pinched, and so everytime I move it sends a blindly pain through my left butt cheek. Rolling over in bed is getting harder and harder, and I have to sit in a very upright position for a short periods and then walk around for a while before I sit again so I don't cramp up.
On the upside, bubba is moving alot, and I really love that. In fact, that is the main thing I am going to miss about pregnancy. It feels weird, but I love it. Last night was the first night of the dreaded cankles too. My ankle bones were beginning to disappear, so I have another 12 weeks of disgusting fat ankles. Still I wouldn't change it for anything.
The kids are on school holidays, and enjoyed a day of unfetted chocolate consumption yesterday. They are surprisingly well balanced with that sort of thing, considering their parents. They ate a bit in the morning, and then pretty much stopped and gave most of the rest away. Very impressed!! We haven't done much yet, but we are planning a trip to Nanny's this week sometime. We may possibly go camping next week as well.

I really should take a picture of my tummy, but it just so damn large I might scare people.
Anyway, thats about all. Will try to update a little more often, I have been slack.


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