New News
Well, it has been ages since I last posted and I am really sorry about that. Jasper is going well after his recent illness. He had a bacterial infection, but he is almost back to normal again which is great.

Harry and Charlie have just 3 weeks and 3 days left at school for this year, which means Christmas is just 4 weeks and 5 days away, and I haven't got any where near the Christmas presents that I usually have at this stage. Unfortunately, Jasper's vet bill, and various other things have meant that we are juggling pays to try to get things in time. I hate going to the shops, so I have to wait and try to buy it online.
Anyway, it will all work out in the end.....I hope!!
Our other news came as some what of a surprise, and we are all still trying to get use to it.

So this is what is growing inside of me at the moment. Baby #4 is on the way and making his presence known. I have been much sicker than I was with the others, but I am starting to get a handle on it, and as long as a eat every 2 hours, I am generally OK. Chocolate, however, does not agree with me AT ALL. It doesn't matter when I have it, I am almost alway sick 20 minutes later. Not Happy Jan!!
Anyway, because funds are scarce, I am probably not going to get the homebirth I wanted. An Independent Midwife cost between $3000-5000, so it is not really an option that we can afford. I am upset by this, because I really think that I am ready to have a homebirth, and I would have liked to have experienced it this time.
Well, it is still early days, so we will see what happens.