O is for Organisation
I have not always been a very organised person, and I still have times where I don't know if I am coming or going. Over the last month or two, we have been inundated with rather large bills, and because of this I have had to be extremely organised, monitory wise.
My way of doing this is an age old idea that I routinely disregard, because it never really made sense before, but I have finally seen the light........
SO, I have devised a two weekly menu plan that involves me making meals with what I have in the pantry, and filing in the gaps. So far it is going great, until I got an unexpected Gas bill, and so I had to stretch this fortnights groceries into an extra week..... difficult, but not impossible, because Mick is going Lacey Tracking for a week, so I won't need as much for main meals, and he won't eat all the baked goods....
I have a plan for if there was a fire, to ensure that no personal items are lost.
I have a special board on the fridge to remind me to give the kids their vitamins, and make their school lunches in advance, and also to show when I have walked to school, etc....
The boys clothes are set out every night, so I am not running around in the morning trying to find them, when we are running late, which we always are....
So, as you can see I am a lot more organised than I use to be, but I still have a long way to go before I am as organised as Mum.....