
Ok, so for the last two months I have been patiently awaiting the cinema release of TWILIGHT, the film version of the first book in a series by Stephenie Meyer. Last night I braved the crowds at Penrith Plaza Hoyts (on opening day mind you), and finally saw it.
Oh.My.GOD. I am in love with Edward Cullen. But first I need to clarify, that I don't really like Robert Pattinson (the actor) all that much, but his portrail of Edward was spot on. He was dark, brooding, gorgeous, mysterious and just dangerous enough to be totally heart-breaking. In the end I wanted to be a Vampire too. Now I know that I am at an age where I shouldn't be so immature, but he is really gorgeous....and I have always said I never act my I am excused, but seriously.....swoon...
I also have to say that Carlisle was seriously sexy too!!
The books are fantastic, and I am getting the last (in Hardcover) for Chrissie from Mum and Ray, and I am looking froward to reading it at last. I bought it on the Internet, and I deliberately didn't read it so I had it to look forward to after Christmas.
All the Christmas shopping is done, and all I have to do now is wrap, which I always do the night before. The boys have just one more week of school and then we can relax a bit. Reports next week. I always get excited to see how they have gone during the year, especially this year, as we really haven't had much feedback from the teachers.