sleep deprivation
AAARRRGGHHHH. I am going mad. Tildy refuses to sleep, and there doesn't appear to be anything wrong with her. She is all rugged up, she isn't sick, she just keeps waking up every hour through the entire night. I know it happens now and then, but do you think I get any!! But still how could anyone be angry at this:
In other news, Mick and I have been very slack with our teaching of the boys on "how to ride a bike". They have never really been obsessed with riding so we haven't really pushed it, but we realise now that they do need to learn. The training wheels came off Charlie's bike (it is smaller) and they were pushed all around the backyard. They are getting better and Harry went a good 40 metres or so at St John's Oval, when Mick took them over there. I didn't want to point out that it would be easier in the backyard if the grass was mowed, because Mick very thoroughly cleaned the microwave, fridge and oven last weekend, a job that I tend to ignore until my MIL does it in disgust.
I also made a big batch of vege soup, which I can't seem to bring myself to eat. I think I put in too much cabbage and the smell just puts me off.