Charlie's Birthday

On Thursday my little boy will be 5. I can't believe it. He is going off to school this year and he is really starting to grow up fast. I have told the kidlets that they are not allowed to get any older from now on. I want Harry to stay 6, Charlie to stay 5 and Matilda to stay 2. I am not ready to let them get older. Most people I know don't feel this way. Mum says she liked the ages 12, 10, 8 and 6 for her kids. I just love them at this age, but I guess I will love them at those ages too.

So, we had a party for Charlie on Sunday. Just family and a couple of friends. It was a good day. Ryan, Shona, Paige and Lachlan dropped in on the way home from their Hi-5 concert, which was good. Mum came, but Ray had to work, and Chris and Marie. Aunty Ann came for a while but she has now moved to Harbord and started her new job today, so she had to leave straight after lunch.

The computer is rejecting my camera at the moment, but as soon as I get it working again I will post the pictures of the wonderful Spider Cake I made for Charlie.

We go away next Sunday, so I have been making my lists and trying to figure out exactly what I need to take so that we don't waste unnecessary money on stuff, because we haven't got a heap of money to waste. More soon, See You.


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