Uneventful Week....so far!

Well not much has happened this week. That is probably due to the awful weather we are having, and the fact that I don't have a car to go anywhere anyway.

Harry and Charlie had the day off school on Monday because they both have a cough. Harry's was pretty bad and Charlie's is starting to get better, but I didn't want to have to walk Harry up to school in the afternoon to get Charlie, so he got to stay home too!!

Matilda has a nasty rash on her nappy area, which was progressively getting worse so finally I took her to the Doctors and it turns out it is Thrush. She has some cream, and will be getting better very soon. It was funny though, when I went in to make an appointment for her, I had to fill out all the forms to have her added to the practice and it got me thinking about how often the kids get sick. I mean really sick. Matilda is almost three, and this was the first visit to our Family Doctor, and she has only even been to a Medical Centre once before. The boys too, have not been sick all that often. Charlie has had an ear infection once, and Harry had a kidney infection once. Other than those times, they have been pretty healthy children. We have been very lucky in that respect.

We are going to have Harry assessed by the Child and Adolescent Unit at Katoomba hospital, after his little escapade last week. At first I was concerned about his behaviour and the fact that a normal child who couldn't find their mother would normally panic...right?? I mean I think Charlie would definitely panic and find an adult, but Harry seems to have no reaction at all to the fact that he had apparently been left at school on his own. His teacher has expressed concern over his social interactions, and suggested we get him assessed, just in case there is something else going on.

But, now that I have thought about it, I think Harry reacted exactly like an adult would. He figured if Mummy wasn't here (or left without him), he should just walk home. He waited at the road until an older child came along, and then asked for help. He was sensible and analytical about what he needed to do. I also think that his extremely high intelligence stops him from interacting well socially with his peers. It hasn't really been an issue I thought needed addressing because he hasn't been concerned about his lack of friendships. He just plays by himself, and has very rarely said things like "no-one would play with me". He just doesn't mind playing on his own, and if someone plays with him it is a bonus. He has made one friend this year, Marcus, but I think that they clash a little because Marcus is also extremely bright, and sometimes Harry tends to get a little pushy about his rules on playing.

So I think we will get him assessed to rule out any underlying problems, and then we have the full picture to present to any of his teachers in order to get him the help and resources he needs to achieve his goals.


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